
- a collection that focuses on the origin of its material and questions flawless perfection.

In today’s society, a certain form of perfection is often strived for. stoneware represents
This claim of flawless design is called into question. Are there any traces of
Handwork is not exactly what makes a handmade product honest
and authentic? What exactly is an honest
Design towards a material and its future users?

The stoneware collection presents
Hand-formed vessels. To create a unique, rough and uneven
To create texture, the surfaces were worked with stones. The
meditative production of the objects led to a deep
Dealing with the material, its nature and its

The resulting objects do not want
pretend to be something they are not. They are simply stoneware .
And yet they are much more - they bear our traces, tell the
history of their production and touch with their special feel
our senses.

and now we ask you -

What makes you authentic?

What touches you?